Economic Reform Plan


League of Women Voters Smart Voter Position Paper Three

We can take relatively painless steps to immediately raise revenues, create jobs, and kick–start San Diego’s economy. I do not support the City seeking federal bankruptcy protection.

I support asking the voters to raise the tax only on tourists, the transient occupancy tax (TOT), to 13.5%. We must earmark a designated portion of these revenues for the promotion of tourism, environmental maintenance and City services. This will also create jobs.

The recently ratified Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) will definitely be coming to San Diego, so we need to insure that the monies derived therefrom will not be at the expense of the environment, nor at the expense of the health and safety of the workers here and in Central America. CAFTA will generate revenue, and create public and private sector jobs.

Regardless of our individual positions on immigration, the truth remains that San Diego will always absorb the costs of our nation’s immigration policy. I will press the federal government to provide San Diego financial assistance as a consequence of being a unique metropolitan border city. This aid can be either direct, or part of a federal spending program. Either way, these monies should be used to create jobs and maintain infrastructure.

I conditionally support asking the voters to raise the local sales tax by one–quarter percent (1/4%) for a limited ten (10) year period, the condition being that all revenues generated by any such increase must be entirely earmarked for safety (police, fire and lifeguard), infrastructure maintenance and environmental protection. I support earmarking tax revenues, for I do not believe we should allow our politicians too much discretion in spending our tax dollars.

I do not support raising property taxes. Raising property taxes will only further burden homeowners whose loans may adjust or otherwise change in a negative way. Furthermore, if the purported real estate bubble does indeed burst, a property tax increase will only accelerate price declines and equity loss.

Resolution of the pension plan is dependent upon completion of the audits and the legal battles. Once we know the final financial picture, then we can issue pension bonds. If possible, I would support a longer term than fifteen (15) years, for San Diego will be around for hundreds of years and these bonds will be a short blip in the financial history of the City. Portions of the TOT and sales tax increases must be earmarked to service these bonds.

We can fix San Diego’s finances, but we must vote for the candidate with the proper economic vision. I am that candidate.

Again, my name is George Richard Najjar, and to save San Diego, I ask for your vote.

Please visit my website at

Thank you.

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