Benefits of

Our website has many benefits: Practice Areas; Articles; Daily Newsletter; Blog; San Diego Asset Protection Alert and others including a link to our family law website. We believe our estate planning website to be one of the most comprehensive for content in San Diego County and ask you for your opinion. Our goal is to provide information for viewers to make informed and intelligent decisions. One of the most important decisions is whether or not to hire an attorney. Laws change and all of our information on our website is dated as of the date posted. As such, please contact our firm if you need to retain an attorney or would like a complimentary in-house consultation since all of the content on both our website and blog is dated and our strategies and techniques change as the law and the practice of law changes. One example of this, at the present time of the writing of this article, is in long term care planning with the passing of Senate Bill 483 on September 27, 2008. This law is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2009 however there are regulations needed prior to the law being enforced. In addition, this is a prospective law and not a retroactive law. Our website will give you information you can really use. All of our content on any Practice Area; Article, Daily Newsletter, Blog or the San Diego Asset Protection Alert is incorporated by reference and integrated into each other for content and information purposes and all content may not be in all articles which reference the same.

One major benefit of using our website is the amount of practice areas and content. As of the writing of this article, we have 22 different practice areas under our category of “estate planning” and these are some of the most common areas clients ask us about: estate planning; planning for long term care; California trust administration; probate administration; living trusts; trust and estate litigation; wills, probate; health care/advance directives; power of attorney; conservatorship; guardianship; special needs trust; business succession planning; estate planning for pets; same sex estate planning; charitable giving; irrevocable life insurance trusts; information on irrevocable life insurance trusts; family limited partnerships; revocable living trust packages; qualified personal residence trusts and information of Senate Bill 483 which is mentioned above.

If you have a question in an area not listed above, please contact us directly. Our goal is to have one new practice area every month with new information to improve our website and keep the information current and of the most benefit to you. If you have a suggestion as to a practice area we do not have which you would like to see, please e mail and let us know.

Another major benefit of using our website are the articles which are prepared. In addition to the San Diego asset protection alert, we also have the following: client deposition instructions which are useful if you are to be deposed; wealth planning guide for families with large estates; 27 costly misconceptions about planning for your senior years; 5 steps to a competent asset protection and estate plan; 20 red flags that sign when your will or living trust is out of date; attorney notes from the 2007 California Education of the Bar Guardianship Publication and notes from the National Business Institute seminar in 2007 for drafting effective wills and trusts.

If you have a question in an area not listed above, again, please contact us directly.

A third major benefit of using our website are the daily newsletters which are a link from the home page on the bottom right side. This has interesting articles which are of enormous interests to our clients and viewers. It is very important to keep updated on the law and our daily newsletter assists clients in providing information. Again, all posted material on the website and blog is dated and we instruct you to contact our firm and not to rely upon any of the content without discussing with a licensed California attorney first to determine the validity at the time of your legal needs and legal matter.

A fourth major benefit of using our website is the blog. There is a link from our website directly to our blog located on our tool bar. Our blog has postings which are most recent and our hope is to continue to have at least two postings per week. These postings are interesting and timely and many estate planning websites do not have a blog. Our blog is comprehensive and we believe our blog is also among the most comprehensive in San Diego County for estate planning and invite your opinion.

We also, as an additional benefit, have placed the San Diego Asset Protection Alert in a button on top of the practice areas. Given the current economy and changes in long term care planning and the risks for not planning early, this Alert contains legal advice to protect your rights and to try to obtain your legal goals of estate planning which can leave more of your assets for your beneficiaries. None of us like to think of our own mortality however we really do not want to think that our hard earned assets we have worked our entire lives for could have gone to who we love and chose rather than attorneys, administrators, accountants, appraisers, court costs and others if we had only planned better. This Alert is designed to try and get you to act now before it is too late. There are no guarantees from our firm and no guarantees in life.

In conclusion, if you have a suggestion for improvement for you to our website or blog, please let us know. We have a lot more information as well [see “helpful info” on our toolbar] and we welcome your suggestions and are constantly looking for ways to benefit our clients and viewers of our website and blog. Our newest project is to begin an e mail newsletter to protect the environment and to keep in contact with our clients and others who are interested. We hope to begin this in the first part of 2009. If you are interested in receiving this e mail neswletter, please send your e mail address to and your name will be placed on the list. Thank you for using our website and blog.

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