Probate Litigation

In San Diego, there are two courts which hear probate litigation cases: San Diego and Vista. In these court rooms, probate litigation cases are heard and orders issued. Probate litigation is a very complicated area of the law and below is a summary of the issues which can be addressed in probate litigation cases.

Our firm represents, in San Diego, trustees, executors, heirs and other parties to lawsuits in probate court. Probate litigation can include will contests which involve disputes about the distribution of assets, performance of a trustee, conflicts between beneficiaries, a person’s status as heir or beneficiary, dispute about the interpretation of a will and others including claims against fiduciaries such as conservators, personal representatives and trustees for issues ranging from misappropriate, self dealing or mismanagement.

Probate litigation can also include issues such as the appointment of conservators and guardians as well as resolving competency disputes when an elderly parent’s ability to manage her of his own medical or financial affairs are in question.

Probate litigation can also include disputes regarding conflicts between estates and trusts, missing or omitted assets, life insurance policy, questionable gifts, joint accounts and asset ownership disputes. There may also be partnership or business interest issues after the incompetence or death of a person with an interest in the business or partnership.

Probate litigation includes the analysis of the legal issues, filing and service of the pleadings, court appearances and many other tasks. Please feel free to contact us for a complimentary and confidential consultation.

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